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Concentrate on growing your business with DFC

Consumers base their purchasing decisions on ease and simplicity.

In a market where customers are looking for better, smarter and faster ways to engage, you need to make sure you are one step ahead of the competition.

Direct Debits offer a quick and easy way for customers to make payments, with an estimated £1trillion being paid this way each year.

Not offering consumers the choice to pay electronically significantly reduces the amount of revenue you could obtain, and let’s not forget the impact on customer satisfaction.

DFC are a leading payment solutions provider, offering a totally transparent service with no hidden extras.

DFC’s fully managed solution offers some great benefits, including a full service call centre, integrated software solutions and the option of online joining. DFC even offer an online portal to increase sales at any time in any location.

Using the latest technology, DFC keep you up to speed with all customer transactions so you can track payments, stay informed about defaulting and cancelled payments and effectively manage your administration.

DFC help improve your customer relationships so customers stay longer.

You can trust DFC to collect your Direct Debits, while you concentrate on running – and growing - your business.

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